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(989) 267-1279

Dumpster prices differ from one state to another and town to town. Undoubtedly the more substantial the dumpster, the more it will set you back. Dumpsters are available in a few practical sizes, TEN, TWENTY, 30 and 40 yards. These are assessed in cubic yards of debris. Weight is the crucial aspect when determining how much a Harrison Dumpster Rental will cost.

The majority of dumpster rental agencies charge a flat price for the dumpster. Individuals are ordinarily warranted 4 tons which is covered in that price. Once measured at the landfill or transfer terminal, when the dumpster weight is in excess of 4 tons, you will likely be charged a per ton penalty for the excess. This per ton charge depends upon the cost to discharge at the local area dumping ground.


Nearness to the closest landfill or local dumping transfer location will also affect the costs of your dumpster rental. The radius from the regional Harrison office is also an instrumental variable. If you reside rather far from the local dump or transfer depot, the dumpster will normally amount to more. Harrison Dumpster Rental performs every little thing in our power to try to keep dumpster rental rates lower. We work out details with local haulers that are actually close to the dumping ground and can therefore keep costs fair.

Call (989) 267-1279 to talk directly to a Harrison MI Dumpster Rental representative.


Harrison is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 2,114 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Clare County.[6] The city is named after U.S. President William Henry Harrison. Harrison is near the junction of US 127 and M-61. US 127 actually bypasses the city on the east, though a business route serves the downtown area. 

Harrison Dumpster Rental is truly there for you if you will need to rent a dumpster for any type of project. You will be speaking with one of our competent dumpster service staff members, not a voicemail. Your dumpster will certainly be brought in a timely manner when you need to have it.


Everyone can take a dumpster rental request, but delivering on-time delivery and exceptional customer care is what Harrison MI Dumpster Rental is about. Making your dumpster rental experience gratifying is our basic mission and we do this by delivering you firstly a very good deal.

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